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16 octobre 2011 7 16 /10 /octobre /2011 12:01

“This Is What Democracy Looks Like”

In Agora Brussels, March on Brussels on 15 October 2011 at 23:59

October 15
Global Revolution Day

Dear people,

During this week at Revolutionary HQ I have gradually moved my sleeping space up the building. From the skybox over the aula magna, to a corner in the library, and finally, on the last night, to the ‘Comisión Me la pela / Me la suda’, home of the Meseta hard core.

The commission had recently transfered its quarters from the third floor to the fifth, because of shit invading the hallway. Comrade Brina called it a ‘problem of convivencia’, people who continue to use the toilets even when they’re out of order. They have been shoveling crap every day, but in the end they gave up and moved away from the center of gravity.

“This building is killing us. You hardly know any of the people you encounter. This is not a community, it’s bloody chaos.”

I too moved up because of the invasion. Graffiti has been appearing since a couple of days. The problem with the drain was never fixed and people finally had to use dry bathrooms in the garden, accessable through the window. In the first few days, much of the electronical equipment had been plundered and interpersonal theft became a common practice.

It’s the other side of the ‘free space’ where no one decides and where no one bears responsability.

The first rumour I heard this morning was that police were going to close the university while everyone would be in the demonstration. As a precaution, many campers picked up their bags and left.

I was a bit disappointed that nobody wanted to defend the free space. But it also meant that all of us were decided to take the streets. We can occupy another headquarters whenever we want to.

Media Center 2

The people from the hard core don’t shed a tear for Revolutionary HQ. Faces are flourishing when we walk to Media Center to drop off our bags. We take our time to reunite, and by tradition we’re late. When we walk up to Gare du Nord it seems that no one is there. For a moment, in between the skyscrapers, it appears to me that all this revolution thing has only been a silly dream.

Then we hear the drums.

It’s going on. This is what we have come here for, marching all the way from Spain. Global Revolution Day, October 15. Today we are Brussels, we have to play our part on the world stage.

Fans of mine ;)

The vibe of the crowd is good. There are many people. All types, all ages, and many different languages. I see slogans in French, English, Spanish, Dutch, German. These people are citizens of Europe, demonstrating joyfully against the lack of European democracy, right here in the capital of the empire. The sun is giving us a glorious late summer salute.

Arrival at Beus

We go to the Stock Exchange, our first stop. It’s an excellent photographic venue, but this particular place doesn’t count in the world of 21st century capitalism. The real power is down the road, in an anonymous skyscraper near our departure point. It is the headquarters of Euroclear, the ‘bank of the banksters’.

You probably have never heard of this enterprise. That’s because you are part of the 99%. You are not eligible to have an account there. You don’t need to know that they exist and that they shift billions of dollars per day in obscure financial transactions. We circle the skyscrapers, holding hands. One of our comrades had prepared a dossier on Euroclear, which was presented to the press, and flyers to inform the public. This anonymous institution probably knows a lot more about the causes of the crisis than we do.

In front a Dexia office

The crowd moves east, towards the European Quarter. At one of the Dexia offices riot police protects the building after sporadic acts of vandalism. There’s a bit of tension, but soon the march goes peacefully and happily forth.

Police don’t let us pass by the Wetstraat, the Street of the Law, which leads straight to the European roundabout. We are led around the institutions, and at sunset we enter the Jubelpark, right under the triumphant arch of the Belgian military museum. This is public space now. Park regulations are overruled by the people. We make fire, we make music, and we camp.

Esta noche acampamos! Esta noche acampamos!” It’s the Meseta hard core. Many of us had brought tents, and those are the first to go up. In the meantime sound and internet are being installed near the Media Center van, and food is being prepared on camp fires. We made it. It has become a success. “Abrazo colectivo! Abrazo colectivo!

Comrade Anna

“Well over two thousand people,” a police officer reports into his walkie talkie. He and his collegue retreat to the exit. The burgomaster of Brussels had ordered a complete camping ban in the whole city. But police give in, they won’t interfere with us camping tonight.

I walk down to Media Center. The rooms over there are full of people receiving and distributing the news. This is the Brussels information hub of the movement. I see pictures from Japan this morning, from Corea, from India. I see pictures from Puerta del Sol. There are half million people occupying the center of Madrid, my revolutionary home.

The barricades

I take my tent and my bagpack and I walk back, passing by the red zone for a change. To my right there is the European Council, the legislative. To my left there is the European Commission, the executive. I walk on, past barbed wire barricades, into the park. We camp here in the heart of Europe, in this theatrical scenario. We have achieved something. But only when the live connection starts, I know what it is.

Pictures from someone streaming in Berlin. A group of people is sitting down in front of the Reichstag. The police is trying to arrest them, but they are ignored. This is not television, this is us, broadcasting ourselves. I feel a shiver. History is happening everywhere, right now. We hear that 8000 demonstrators have gathered in front of the European Central Bank in Frankfurt. People are camping.

We switch to New York. There are crowds in Wall Street, there are crowds uptown. Images of Time Square, taken over by the people. “Whose streets?! Our streets!! Whose streets?! Our streets!!”.

I join a group of comrades around a fire. It’s one of those gratifying tribal pleasures. And while we’re there, looking into the flames together we hear the rhythmic sound of the crowd in Times Square chanting, live, “This is what democracy looks like!”

I look up from the fire and I see the arches, and the moon rising. It’s an amazing feeling. We have become citizens of the world.

Cat on printer in Media Center

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15 octobre 2011 6 15 /10 /octobre /2011 23:37

19 min de vidéo de l'incessant cortège des indignés... pour vous donner une idée du nombre, bien supérieur à celui des 7000 personnes annoncées dans les articles précédents...




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15 octobre 2011 6 15 /10 /octobre /2011 23:34



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15 octobre 2011 6 15 /10 /octobre /2011 19:43


La première journée planétaire des "indignés": Bruxelles - Centrefrance
De Madrid à New York, comme dans des centaines de villes à travers le monde, les "indignés" manifestent samedi 15 octobre contre la précarité liée à la crise et le pouvoir de la finance, pour la première journée planétaire de ce mouvement né en Espagne au printemps. A Bruxelles. Durée: 01:21.


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15 octobre 2011 6 15 /10 /octobre /2011 18:31

7sur7.be - 15/10/11 16h00

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7S7 mise à jour   Quelque six mille personnes se sont retrouvées samedi vers 14h30 à la gare du Nord à Bruxelles pour participer à la manifestation organisée par les "Indignés" et rejoindre la Bourse. Le cortège bruxellois s'est dirigé vers la petite ceinture pour gagner le rond-point Schuman, à proximité des institutions européennes.

La police a constaté que les manifestants étaient plus nombreux que prévu. Mais le cortège des Indignés a atteint son point de dislocation - le parc du Cinquantenaire - sans incident notoire, contrairement à son homologue italien qui a littéralement dégéné à Rome aujourd'hui. Quelques tagueurs ont dû être rappelés à l'ordre et quelques vitres ont été brisée mais il n'y a pas eu d'arrestation, a précisé la police. 
Les manifestants devraient encore tenir une assemblée générale plus tard dans la soirée et décider s'ils logeront dans le parc.
Face à la crise
Les Indignés manifestaient contre la manière dont les politiques et les institution financières gèrent la crise économique et réclamaient une nouvelle démocratie.
Ils manifestent, depuis plusieurs mois, au cri de "We are the 99 procent", en référence aux 99% de la population qui paient les conséquences de la crise. Les manifestants sont principalement des jeunes.

A chaque passage devant un immeuble abritant des services bancaires, les cris et les coups de sifflet ont fusé. Les banques et le système financier sont en effet accusés par les Indignés d'être responsables de la crise financière et économique actuelle.

Un petit groupe de contre-manifestants, habillés de manière distinguée était présent au départ du cortège pour exprimer son opposition au mouvement des Indignés. (belga/acx)

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15/10/11 16h00
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15 octobre 2011 6 15 /10 /octobre /2011 16:51

samedi 15 octobre 2011 à 16h41


Les indignés à Bruxelles

Les indignés à Bruxelles

A Bruxelles, 7000 Indignés ont défilé ce samedi après-midi dans le centre de Bruxelles, avec pour slogan sur les banderoles : "Peuples, soulevez-vous". Ils ont fait escale à la Bourse qui a fait l'objet d'un jet de chaussures en règle.

Quelques 7000 personnes se sont retrouvées ce samedi vers 14h30 à la gare du Nord à Bruxelles pour participer à la manifestation organisée par les Indignés. A chaque passage devant un immeuble abritant des services bancaires, les cris et les coups de sifflet ont fusé. 

Le cortège s'est ensuite dirigé vers la petite ceinture pour gagner le rond-point Schuman, à proximité des institutions européennes.

Le cortège des Indignés a atteint son point de dislocation, le parc du Cinquantenaire peu avant 20h, sans incident notoire. Quelques tagueurs ont dû être rappelés à l'ordre et quelques vitres ont été brisée mais il n'y a pas eu d'arrestation, a précisé la police.

Selon la police, les manifestants sont plus nombreux que prévus. Les Indignés protestent contre la manière dont les politiques et les institutions financières gèrent la crise économique et réclament une nouvelle démocratie.

Les Indignés manifestent aussi aux cris de "We are the 99 procent", en référence aux 99% de la population qui paient les conséquences de la crise. Les manifestants sont principalement des jeunes.

Il y a des manifestations analogues dans d'autres villes européennes et dans le monde.

Un petit groupe de contre-manifestants, habillés de manière distinguée était présent au départ du cortège pour exprimer son opposition au mouvement des Indignés.

Les indignés bruxellois ne retrouveront pas leur campement ce samedi soir. Ils étaient installés sur un site universitaire à Koekelberg. Le bourgmestre de Koekelberg, Philippe Pivin (MR), constate, dans un communiqué, que les Indignés ont occasionné des dégâts dans l'immeuble qui avait été mis à leur disposition.

Le bourgmestre note que les normes de salubrité et de sécurité n'ont pas été respectées, que l'immeuble a subi des détériorations. Il a dès lors pris un arrêté de fermeture du bâtiment entré en vigueur samedi.

Les manifestants devraient encore tenir une assemblée générale plus tard dans la soirée et décider s'ils logeront dans le parc.

RTBF et Belga

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15 octobre 2011 6 15 /10 /octobre /2011 11:59

Great Day’s Eve

In Agora Brussels on 14 October 2011 at 23:19

October 14
Agora Brussels Day 6

Dear people,

When you roam through Revolutionary HQ at night you will find everybody doing his or her thing. Down in the cafetaria, once the assembly is finished there is food and spontaneous jamsessions in a thick cloud of smoke.

On the first floor, in the library, you might be caught in a crossfire of fluffy dice as people are battling one and other from behind the bookcases. Often this type of guerilla spreads through the entire building late at night.

Improvised concert in the hall

In the entrance hall you might stumble on an assembly of the Game commission, in the act of inventing new ways of having fun.

In the garden you will find a tipi put up by the hippies, and maybe even an army of clowns exercising silly performances.

This is our free space. People entering here can liberate themselves from the straight jacket of society, and be who they want to be.

Yesterday the German march arrived, and today the bikers from Holland came peddling in. They were received with a joyful happening animated by the clowns. Nothing political, just a human embrace.

The Germans only did a week of marching, and still I heard one of them complaining that his feet hurt. ‘Woosy’, I couldn’t help but thinking, ‘we, the Spanish indignados, we do a week of marching before breakfast!’

Arrival of the Dutch

The Dutch were not that many, and most of them weren’t even Dutch. But the important thing is that they are here. They bring encouraging news about many people assembling in Amsterdam for tomorrow’s demonstration.

The good news today was that the officer who ruthlessly kicked Marianne in the face, twice, and banged her head against the floor when she was handcuffed, has been arrested thanks to our people filming the aggression. We are urban guerillas. And our camera’s are our weapons.

In the afternoon a pleasant autumn sun came out and I went to see a piece of theatrical action. It was about the ‘one percent’ being put on trial, and the common people being called to the witness stand. It was performed next to the palace of justice, with a panoramic view over Brussels. We enjoyed it, as did our public, which consisted mainly of two police officers who were visibly amused.


When the actors went into town to repeat their performance, I took a walk through the European Quarter of Brussels. I had never been there before, and it was time I got to explore the terrain. This is where tomorrow’s march will end, this is the place where the big wigs decide on continental policy.

They don’t represent us. People know that, but only when the crisis of the system will start to affect them personally will they start to care. We are the vanguard of change. Tomorrow will not just be a day of protest in Brussels. It will be all over the planet. There are hundreds of occupations going on at this moment, and thousands more are being planned. The revolution has begun, people. Come join it, you will have the time of your life.

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14 octobre 2011 5 14 /10 /octobre /2011 21:11

France culture - 14.10.2011 - 07:30

 par cécile de kervasdoué


. http://www.franceculture.com/emission-le-choix-de-la-redaction-les-indignes-d-europe-2011-10-14.html

  *Pour écouter l'interview, appuyer sur "Ctrl" de votre clavier + cliquer sur le lien ci-dessus


Les indignés d'Europe

Des petits groupes d'indignés du monde entier se préparent pour leur grand jour ce samedi 15 octobre, dans 400 villes et dans 45 pays, selon les indignés espagnols. Précisions depuis Bruxelles de Grégoire Lory :


Des manifestations sont prévues pour demander des réformes de grande ampleur. Car depuis l'Espagne et la Grèce, le mouvement des indignés a essaimé en Israël, au Chili, au Brésil et même aux Etats-Unis.

En Europe aussi il fait des émules. Par petits groupes, ces indignés ont marché vers Bruxelles depuis le moi de mai dernier.

Objectif : dénoncer une indignation européenne devant les institutions.

Les premiers sont arrivés samedi dernier mais d'autres groupes arrivaient encore hier. Direction les bâtiments de l'ancienne université catholique de Bruxelles devenus pour cette semaine un véritable quartier général d'indignés.


Reportage de Cécile de Kervasdoué, et diaporama ci-dessous.

5 photos
Découvrez grâce à Cécile de Kervasdoué l'entrée du QG des marcheurs indignés à l'université catholique de Bruxelles, un bâtiment insalubre et désaffecté prêté par la mairie de Koelkberg, une pancarte à l'entrée, puis un panneau explicatif des codes non verbaux à utiliser lors des assemblées générales et un à l'intention des riverains, et enfin ambiance festive ...
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    14 octobre 2011 5 14 /10 /octobre /2011 14:08
    INFOS :: Bruxelles - Arrestation du policier agresseur de Niki
    Après une plainte déposé par l'avocat de Niki, l'indignée grec ayant reçu un coup de pied en plein visage par un policier en civile lors de l'action DEXIA, le policier a été arrêté ce matin par le comité P. Le commissaire de Koekelberg est venu sur le camp pour s'entretenir avec les indignés concernant cette agression crapuleuse. 





    *Voir article et la vidéo publiés à 15h30 dans la rubrique "les marches des indignés vers Bruxelles"

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    14 octobre 2011 5 14 /10 /octobre /2011 13:47

    Declaration of Popular Sovereignty

    In Agora Brussels on 13 October 2011 at 23:15

    October 13
    Agora Brussels Day 5

    Dear people,

    I like to see things in a broad perspective. I like to play with history. Today’s action, in that respect, was very symbolic. It has been prepared in detail by comrade Roberto, and executed, once again, by the hard core of the Meseta march. I wrote the ‘screenplay’.

    The idea was born when we walked out of Paris and into the woods. I was thinking about a concise manifest that we could launch in Brussels, something monumental.

    The fact that we were marching to the center of Europe, and that we would be joined by people from other countries to give shape to a truly European movement, a European revolution, reminded me of the American Continental Congress.

    We are going to Brussels, because we don’t feel represented by a political class that only defends economic interests. In the 1770s, people from all thirteen British colonies in North America gathered in Philadelphia, because they didn’t feel represented by a parliament that could tax them without their consent.

    On July 4 1776 the Continental Congress adopted the U.S. Declaration of Independence. It was and still is an inspiring and revolutionary document, because it denied the king’s right to rule, as he pleases, by the grace of god. Instead it stated that government derives its authority not from royal heritage, but from the consent of the people, and that it has the obligation to defend the ‘unalienable’ rights of every citizen to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It added that the people have the right to rebel whenever government would become destructive of these ends.

    This idea wasn’t new. Some people argue that Thomas Jefferson, the founding father who wrote the document, was inspired by the Dutch ‘Akte van Verlaetinghe’ which was adopted by the United Provinces in The Hague, July 26 1581. The Dutch text claimed that ‘A prince has to govern for the benefit of his subjects, (…) And [that] whenever he fails to do so, he can no longer be considered a prince (…) [in which case] his subjects have all the right and reason to destitute him.’

    Comrade Canario behind the Megaphone

    I imagined the coming together of indignados from all over Europe as a Continental Assembly, and in the weeks that followed I styled a ‘Declaration of Popular Sovereignty’.

    My intention was to make a statement, and above all, to try to capture the spirit of our movement.

    The idea has been circulating in spiral, from the Intelligence Commission to the Central Committee to the hard core of the Meseta march, picking up enthusiastic reactions on the way. It was never put up for consensus in an assembly. Today’s action was an initiative of part of the Meseta march only.

    At around two thirty this afternoon, October 13, the text was first proclaimed in French translation by comrade Sebastian through the Free Speech Megaphone at Rosa Luxemburg Avenue near the South Station of Brussels. It was followed by translations in Spanish and English. The action was filmed and repeated, first at the steps of the Stock Exchange, and later under the Liberty Tree at Agora Square.

    At the Stock Exchange

    Under Liberty Tree

    English text to follow.


    Declaration of Popular Sovereignty

    We, people of the World, gathered in Contintental Assembly in Brussels, declare the following.

    Many times throughout the course of history human society has been faced with the need for change, but never before was change so impellent as it is now.

    Our global society is unsustainable. The voracious exploitation of natural resources and of human beings themselves has created profound differences in wealth, freedom and opportunity over the planet. It has fomented conflict and condemned the majority of humanity to poverty or even hunger. It has lead to the pollution of our rivers, our soil, our seas, our air, even space, and it is leading to a dangerous change in our climate. All of this, for the comfort of some and for the benefit of the very few.

    We accuse the culture of greed.

    We accuse the economics of waste.

    We accuse the existence of borders.

    We accuse the global financial system, and all the enterprises and institutions that facilitate and uphold it, of being responsible for the declining state of our planet and the majority of species by which it is inhabited. We accuse it of laying an unjust mortgage on the lives of our offspring. We accuse it of endagering the very survival of man kind.

    We demand a sustainable world, and we have faith in the human capacity to bring it about. We demand to live in peace. We demand a world in which people govern themselves in a spirit of cooperation and brotherhood. We demand a world in which individuals and communities can be self sufficient in their basic needs of water, food and energy. We demand that every person can have the opportunity to make full use of his or her talents for personal benefit and in the interest of society.

    We believe in human genius. We believe in technology for peaceful means and the common good. We believe in the free exchange of information. We believe in free access to the human cultural heritage. We believe that human values can not be expressed in economic terms.

    We, the people, claim our right to life.

    We, the people, claim our right to liberty.

    We, the people, claim our right to the pursuit of happiness.

    Government has become destructive of these ends, and therefore it is our right, our duty, to alter or abolish it.

    We, the people, claim and declare our popular sovereignty.

    We call on every person all over the world,

    to resist peacefully through civil disobedience,

    to occupy public spaces,

    to gather in assembly,

    to participate in government,

    to liberate the creativity of the individual for the benefit of all, and to use our collective intelligence to lay the foundations of the world that we want for ourselves, and for our offspring.

    We are the people.

    We have the power to achieve.


    Original Spanish manuscript, drafted in Aalst

    Sundown over Brussels

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