A History of Acampada Sol
In Sol on 13 November 2011 at 20:56
Acampada Sol in the third week
Dear people,
I have been emptying my summer jacket’s right inside pocket, the one that I marked as ‘archive’. A whole lot of material from the Acampada Sol came out of it, including the original maps.
I also went through some of my oldest dispatches. I have been covering the 15M movement since the beginning, but until after the end of the acampada I was exclusively reporting in Dutch.
So I translated my initial reports. It’s a first hand history of what happened in Sol. If you want the guided tour of the place, be sure to check out the June 11 entry: Acampada Soul.
Soon I’ll be back on revolutionary road. And if I find anything interesting, you will be sure to hear from me.
May 21 – “The Key is in Sol”
About a goat sheperd who suddenly finds himself in the midst of a revolution.
May 25 – Portrait of an Acampada
General sketch after ten days of occupation.
May 27 – Comisión Comunicación
Your truly walks into the Communications office. He never left since.
May 27 – Catalonia is not Alone
Police clears the square in Barcelona by force to make room for football celebrations.
May 28 – A Visit from the East
A girl from China comes by at Communications. We discover we have more in common than we think, if only we found the right words for it.
May 29 – La Bastille
The movement expands into the neighbourhoods and villages. The first General Popular Assembly of Madrid convenes in Puerta del Sol.
May 30 – “¡Sol Resiste!“
Our comrades in Paris have been evicted from the Bastille. We march in solidarity to the French embassy. There’s a tempest in the air.
May 31 – Extending the Field of Battle
At Extension the echoes of our movement are coming in from all over the world.
June 1 – The Times of Puerta del Sol
Trying to capture a day of acampada, and to make a newspaper out it.
June 1 – Ye Olde Clocke
A homage to Puerta del Sol.
June 2 – 21st Century Revolution
On audiovisuals and contemporary urban guerilla. Sol is under threat of eviction.
June 2 – The Summer of 2011
On the daily business of revolution. On Walt Disney.
June 3 – Web 3.0
On social media and liberty of action.
June 4 – Democracy from the Bottom Up
The interacampadas or National Assembly convenes in Sol.
June 5 – Murcia Mon Amour
On the press. On alternative roads to democracy, the Murcia case.
June 6 – Buy Tear Gas!
On sedition. Some free investment advice.
June 7 – Angel of the Revolution
On discouragement. On a girl with a camera who saves the day.
June 8 – The End of the Beginning
The assembly decides on lifting the acampada on June 12 with a great happening.
June 9 – “To Parliament!”
Parliament is besieged by surprise. It turns into a happy celebration.
June 10 – Respect!
A friend of mine comes to visit the acampada from Holland. On libertarianism and anarchism. On reasons for joining the revolution.
June 11 – Acampada Soul
A guided tour of the acampada, the day before it disappears, ‘for the history books’. Original maps included.
June 12 – Darth Vader
The new city council is sworn in. And we don’t let it pass by without making some noise.
June 13 – Brand New Day
On the final day of the acampada, and the day after. On a square that is polished to shine.